weighted sum

英 [ˈweɪtɪd sʌm] 美 [ˈweɪtɪd sʌm]




  1. Perhaps it is a complex weighted sum of these other values that decide for you whether you accept this new physician, or continue your search.
  2. We can approximate the growth in total welfare of society as the simple weighted sum of the growth of income in each class.
  3. A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variables.
  4. Integral average order estimation of error term of weighted sum for a class of arithmetical functions
  5. The resulted judgment matrix is a weighted sum of the original judgment matrix and the completely consistent judgment matrix.
  6. In this paper, we give an example which show the law of iterated logarithm for the weighted sum of independent B-valued random elements is not true in general moment condition.
  7. Device where analog output variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of two or more analog input variables.
  8. On Some Conditions that the Convergence of Generalized Integral Makes Integrand Tend to Zero; Integral average order estimation of error term of weighted sum for a class of arithmetical functions
  9. Central limit theorem for weighted sum of martingale difference
  10. The objective is to minimize the weighted sum of completion time.
  11. The research methods of indicator weight and compounding are respectively systematic effect weight and weighted sum.
  12. Some Limit Results for Weighted Sum of B-Valued Random Variables
  13. Weighted sum based on two empirical estimators.
  14. The method overcame the deficiency of the weighted sum method and improved the searching performance of GA.
  15. Almost sure convergence of a weighted sum process This paper introduces a random testing method for microprocessors.
  16. With the method of linear weighted sum function, the model method to make comprehensive evaluation on independent innovation ability is established, and supervision evaluation procedures are put forward.
  17. The Weighted Sum Model with Variable Weight Based on Attribute Coordinate System
  18. Weighted sum of gray gases model is used to simulate the properties of non-gray gases during deriving.
  19. We substitute weighted sum of squares for sum of squares what filter eigenvalue's method, which is obviously amended the systemic error, and greatly raised the precision of model in principal regression;
  20. The travel trait is defined as the linear weighted sum of the travel time and travel time reliability. Authors integrate two different important factors that have significant impacts on the route choice: the travel time and travel time reliability.
  21. A joint optimal decision-making model of the supply chain with restraint factors was set up using the linear weighted sum approach.
  22. A weighted sum method based on fuzzy satisfactory levels of objectives is proposed to treat the multiple objectives. Then, a genetic algorithm with sequence encoding and PMX crossover is developed to solve this kind of problems.
  23. Iterative Methods for Portfolio Investment Risk Minimization with the Index of Weighted Sum of Line Elements
  24. Traditional optimization methods, such as the main object method and linear weighted sum method, were applied on suspension optimization. Based on this, a new method for computing weighting coefficients was raised. 3.
  25. This article refers to the similarity calculation of fuzzy mathematics and its closeness to improve the definition of the weighted sum in accordance with the method of calculation close.
  26. The weighted sum of weights based on the color and texture is regarded as comprehensive weights, which can reflect characteristics of the background and targets, so as to effectively meet the changes of the background and objectives when tracking goals.
  27. Finally, global features and local features will be combined by the strategy of weighted sum rules.
  28. Evaluation presented by the design value and the actual value of the degree of difference between the weighted sum of the evaluation results of calculation.
  29. We solved the multi-objective optimizing model using the NSGA-II, AMGA and NCGA belong to the direct method and the main objective method and the linear weighted sum method belong to the indirect method, and compared the optimizing effect of each optimizing method.
  30. By means of the case study and comparative analysis, it showed that the fuzzy evaluation method proposed was more reasonable and advantageous than the conventional Linear Weighted Sum method.